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Speedster Reborn – Trinity Cup, CSR2 Europe Series

The Speedster Reborn Trinity Cup of the CSR2 Europe Series has no Prize Car. I recommend, if you are short of Money, to run this Cup only if you need free Crates for one of your Cars to participate in the following “Classic at Heart Event”.

For those of you who have built up the three Cars you need. This is a great way to collect some extra Money, Gold, Keys and Europe Series Tickets.

Speedster Reborn – Trinity Cup – all Cars with tune and shift pattern

Ferrari Monza SP2

IMG 4956
Ferrari Monza SP2five yellow 1
NOS359 / 4.6
Tires0 / 100
Wining shift patternPPerfect start, 32mph 2nd, 5900rpm 3rd, then 7600rpm NOS, rest deep good or early perfect shifts

Aston Martin V12 Speedster 

IMG 4455
Aston Martin V12 Speedster "DBR1"five purple 1 e1589951925595
NOS188 / 4.0
Tires0 / 100
Wining shift patternPerfect start, 9mph 2nd, 3.400rpm 3rd and NOS, rest deep good or early perfect shifts
Aston Martin V12 Speedster five yellow 1 e1589951912868
NOS188 / 4.5
Tires0 / 100
Wining shift patternPerfect start, 8mph 2nd, 12mph 3rd and NOS, rest deep good or early perfect shifts

McLaren Elva

A9CB7A4A E0A2 4907 AAA7 C1BA16C2F2A5
McLaren Elvafive purple 1 e1589951925595
NOS323 / 4.9
Tires0 / 100
Wining shift patternPerfect start, 27mph 2nd, 29mph 3rd and NOS, deep good 4th, 5th and 6th, perfect 7th
McLaren Elvafive yellow 1 e1589951912868
NOS323 / 4.8
Tires0 / 100
Wining shift patternGood start (little right of green), 24mph 2nd, immediately 3rd & NOS, rest deep good shifts

Speedster Reborn Trinity Cup new Cars

If you don’t own the Aston and the McLaren yet, don’t panic. The two new cars, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster and the McLaren Elva, each with 5 yellow stars, will be available via Rare Imports with Gold Keys. 7 pulls each for Loyalty, so a maximum of 140 Gold Keys in total.

You can use the Porsche 959, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster, the Ferrari Monza SP2 or the McLaren Elva for Lockin 2 & 3 of the following Classic at Heart Event.

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